RIVERGOLD A little to the right
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KIDDofSPEED Remember Chernobyl? This site is a must see!!
Urban Legends
Mt St Helens Volcano cam Viewable only during daylight hours.
Random Link
Googleism Play with Google
Broadband Reports Internet speed tests
The Infamous Exploding Whale 3 minute download on DSL. Laughed my a** off!!
Black Code Viruses, spam, security issues
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Acme License Maker
Memepool Probing the odd minds of webmasters.
Coops Place Get inspired!!
The Langa List
Subserviant Chicken
The River. Portland's classic rock station. Listen live.
Rock 101 Vancouver. Classic rock from Canada. Some good stuff here. Listen live.
Implosion World.
Bad Gas Some people just have too much time on their hands.
HERE is some interesting info about the criminals who have been released early in Multnomah County. Are these people living in you neighborhood?
Would you like to know what the environmetalists are really up to? Find out at Operation Greenout. ok ok ok, for more rantings see the My Opinions link.
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